The Foundation inTrue Storytelling® program will help you achieve personal growth and fosters synergy between your personal and professional life. Upon completing the program, you will gain the ability to navigate high-complexity situations more effectively and acquire tools to foster commitment, psychological safety, and collective intelligence through the application of the seven principles of True Storytelling®

What have participants gained from the course?

True Storytelling® programs have graduates in Europe and the U.S. with a wide variety of participants including leaders, project managers, entrepreneurs, and those seeking to expand their personal development. Open courses are also a part of  Masters Degree programs at several European universities. Past graduates have been leaders, consultants, professionals in healthcare, education, law enforcement, and private industry, e.g. life sciences and biotech. 

The participant feedback from True Storytelling® graduates indicates that the methodology has helped them to:

  • Find their own true story by identifying their core values                      
  • Better manage personal and professional conflicts
  • Create and sustain project commitment,
  • Better manage and prevent stress by creating flow
  • Create and maintain Teambuilding
  • Better manage situations of high complexity 

Feedback further tells us they are using the 7 principles of True Storytelling® to plan, facilitate and actuate future strategies and projects; and it’s working equally well in workshops and coaching.

The power that True Storytelling® combines personal and professional growth with ethical tools for change management. 

Commitment through Together-telling

True Storytelling ® is a principled methodology for positive change management; it is not just about being a good storyteller but rather about your ability to co-create narratives with others, thereby fostering commitment for strategies and ideas, collective intelligence, and psychological safety. This can occur in your family, within a team, in an organization, in the local community, or regionally. The methodology combines storytelling while working on identification and development of personal and professional values. 

What to expect: True Storytelling® Foundation Course

The aim of the Foundation Course is to give you a deeper understanding of the 7 principles of True Storytelling® and the theory behind it. In the program, we focus on you as a person and how you can be your best possible self. We work to develop “your” story that can help provide you with a deeper understanding of the “authentic you” which serves to motivate and sustain your inner strength, both privately and professionally.

You also learn a number of methods and tools that are linked to the various principles. These principles, when put into action, are proven to be effective in helping you plan, facilitate, and evaluate your private and professional life.

Through the course, you work on your own case study or a challenge you have recognized as a impediment to advancement. If the course participants are within a particular organization, it will focus on a common task, while combining with the participants personal stories. E.g. bringing two departments together by creating a new culture, allowing the facilitation and implementation a new strategy.

Module 1

Module  1 –  Bring your own personal case and/or the case of your organization. Focus will be on learning the True Storytelling methodology and together-telling. The first two principles in True Storytelling will be introduced.

Principle 1: Truth. What is true and ethical for you and your organization. We focus on issues like: “What is the existing story now,?” “Do we need to change?” and “What is a more true and sustainable story?” We reflect on which values exist and which need further development toward achieving a successful future strategy and how the meaning of each affects them all.   

Principle 2: Make room.  Learn the benefit of understanding and respecting the stories already there by developing an awareness of how these stories can give the new story value and strategic energy 

Between the modules you will be provided with material to work on at home to further develop your understanding of the principles.

Module 2

Principle 3: Plot.  Focus is on how to create a new story or plot that breaks with the old one and can help the people involved prioritize and maintain motivation. It is not aimed at developing just another traditional corporate narrative, but a story that provides room for the smaller stories of the people around you and those with whom you work. You learn how to use storyboards in working with your own life or the life of a new strategy.                 

Principle 4: Time and space. The module focuses on the importance of awareness of time and space. What is the optimal timing for your unique story to be put into action, and what is the right place? These are both critical components for the effective use of the 7 principle True Storytelling® methodology. 

Module 3

Principle 5: Helping it along. We can create a perfect new story or strategy for our life or the organization’s future, but the reality of life includes obstacles. It can be challenging to change our own habits, or the people involved may have a different approach. Principle 5 – “Helping it along” is about how to overcome resistance by re-storying and the importance of being open to experiment.                           

Principle 6 – Staging. In the module, focus will be on how to you can help your story by staging it correctly. Staging is how you appear in the room, stage meetings, workshops, and how the room is strategically set up to provide the most benefit to your future story. 

Module 4

Principle 7: Reflection. The final principle is Reflection. In this critical Module; focus is on how the simultaneous implementation of the 7 principles are continually fine tuned through the development of your case or future project and continue after you have achieved a successful change management process. Putting True Storytelling® methodology into action in your private and professional life requires both continuous reflection and adjustment, dynamically looping back through the principles of your case or project. Reflecting also focuses on how to implement values, identifying the moral compass for your own life, which can help you navigate conduct and decision making in times of high complexity.

Staging the course

True Storytelling Institute® has conducted programs in many different venues – as a hike in nature, a virtual hybrid, and in-person as a more traditional format. Creativity and inspiration combined with a new skills and renewed motivation and energy are the goals, focusing on what is essential for you, your team, organization, and community.

Course Inquiry and Scheduling

Introductory Foundation in True Storytelling® is available as an on-line program for those seeking an understanding of the True Storytelling® methodology. For certification as a trainer, completion of the in-person program is required.

Virtual Foundation in True Storytelling® online program: 

Program Inquiries

Both hybrid virtual/in person classes for individuals are scheduled with cohorts forming now in both the US and Europe. Customized programs are available with advance scheduling by contacting True Storytelling® Institute.